
IZ-Commando Origins part 4

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Computer: Opening Section D: Ven and the fight against Tallest Singe

Narrator 1: Ven was initially a member of the Irken Elite, and an incredibly skilled one at that; it was for this reason that Tallest Singe banished him to a janitor's position on planet Dirt.

(Ven is seen being forced to clean a base before throwing his mop down and beating off the guards trying to stop him)

Narrator 2: Ven had the base set up as his headquarters as he began his campaign against Singe, who swore to bring him to justice.

(Singe is shown talking to his advisors)

Singe: I want this traitor found and executed. You hear me?!

Advisors: Yes, sir.

Narrator 2: Despite the best efforts of the Irken military, Ven was never captured and he continued to fight back. This consisted of rescuing the innocent who were condemned, destroying battleship assembly lines, and at one point stealing a flagship and using it to decimate an entire fleet.

(Ven is seen fighting against the sentries sent to stop him are defeated rather easily; after he is victorious, Ven leads refugees to a ship and flies them to safety; the scene then changes to a construction yard with a partially built Viral Tank, which suddenly explodes as Ven is seen walking away from the yard)

Narrator 1: The conflict between Ven and Singe ended with a bloody dogfight on planet Dirt, soon after the corrupt tallest learned of his enemy's base location.

(Ven and Singe are engaged in a dogfight in the skies of Dirt; the two ships are heavily damaged, yet somehow still flying)

Singe: You know that your actions make you an enemy of the Irken Empire.

Ven: It makes me an enemy of you; we both know you defy the word of the Control Brains when it suits you.

Singe: (scowls) You have been a pain in my side for too long. Surrender now and I might allow you to spend life in prison.

Ven: I will never surrender to a tyrant like you!!

Singe: Then your insolence will end you once and for all.

(both ships fire a homing missile at each other; both pilots seem aware that their fate is sealed)

Ven: Any last words before we both perish?

Singe: This action will label you as a traitor in Irken History?

Ven: If it disposes of a monster like you, then so be it.

(Singe's ship explodes from the missile, while Ven's ship spirals down to the planet's surface in flames)

Narrator 2: What nobody knew at the time was that Ven managed to survive the crash.

(Ven is seen crawling away from the remains of his ship)

Ven: (sighs in relief) I don't know how I survived, but I guess it's all for the best. (notices a canyon nearby and looks over the edge to see the smoldering wreckage of Singe's cruiser) That's the last of Tallest Singe, but I can't really go back to Irk now; I'll be executed, just like he said. (sighs) I can't let Singe win, even in death; I'll just have to live here on Dirt under an assumed name.

(Ven begins walking as far away as he can from the wreckage; eventually, a search party arrives and finds him)

Searcher 1: You there; have you seen any sign of the traitor known as Ven?

Ven: I have not; I was left here a few days ago to work as a janitor.

Searcher 1: What is your name?

Ven: My name is......Winston.

Searcher 1: What are you doing out here?

Ven: I was sent here as a janitor; the ship that brought me had to leave in a hurry.

Searcher 1: Alright then; I'll bring you back to the main base so you can get to work.

Narrator 1: Ven would live under the name of Winston for many years to come. Sure enough, the death of Singe soon reached the leaders of the Seekers.

Leader 1: How sad a good soldier must die in the line of duty.

Leader 2: But at least Singe is dead; now our greatest mistake can go behind us.

Narrator 2: None of the Seekers knew it at the time, but Singe would soon be the least of their concerns. In fact, their troubles were just beginning.

Computer: Section D complete.


Computer: Opening Section E: Miyuki becomes Tallest

Narrator 1: The trouble started on Conventia, one week later.

(a large crowd is gathered to see the newly crowned Tallest)

Announcer: And now, please give a warm welcome to Almighty Tallest Bolt!!

(the fanfare explodes as a tallest dressed in white and blue descends to the podium; a wave of his hands silences the crowd)

Bolt: Thank you everyone; I know we have gone through terrible tragedies under Singe, but I can assure you, these stains will be erased from our walls. As the new Tallest, I intend to make up for the atrocities that Singe brought upon us. And above all, I swear I will put an end to the traitorous alliance known as the Seekers, who were recently discovered to have put Singe in charge.

(the crowd roars in agreement; from their secret base on Irk, the Seekers look on in dismay as their mission just became harder)

Leader 1: This new tallest is going to give us serious trouble. We may not last much longer under these conditions. (notices a hand raises) Yes, seeker Miyuki; what is it?

Miyuki: Shouldn't we launch a full scale attack against the Irken Empire? Show them that we mean business?

Leader 2: That's, it's worse; it's genocide. We cannot afford to do that just yet.

Miyuki: Sounds like you're scared.

Leader 2: So what if we are? Your suggestion is ludicrous, therefore it is declined. This discussion is terminated.

(Miyuki scowls as she walks away)


[Two years later]

Leader 1: And after many simulations to see how it could go wrong, we are now ready to launch the next strike against the Control Brains.

(at this point, the door to the base is knocked down and a swarm of Irken Elite soldiers charge in and begin executing every Seeker in the room; fortunately, a small group of Seekers manages to escape from Irk)

Leader 2: I can't believe it; how could they find us so easily?

Leader 3: That's not important now; the first thing we need to do is find a planet to hide on.

Pilot: What about the planet we found the uncorrupted Control Brain on?

Leader 1: The planet is called Bloodwurld; that should be an adequate hiding world, seeing that the Irken Empire doesn't know of it. Take us there.

(the last of the Seekers retreat to Bloodwurld, where they set up camp in an abandoned base)

Leader 1: Now then; how do you propose the empire found us?

Leader 3: I suspect someone squealed on us.

Leader 2: Hard to believe; who would sell us out to the enemy?

Leader 3: Someone really desperate or someone really angry, that's who.

Narrator 2: Soon after this, the Seekers were consumed by paranoia and begin turning on each other; eventually, thousands of members ended up drowning in their own blood; after three years, the Seekers were left with the numbers in the hundreds)

Leader 1: This cannot go on; we must know who it was that squealed to us. Now if anyone knows about who did this, step forward now.

(the crowd in the room is silent until one Irken steps forward)

Leader 2: Seeker Vasquez; what do you know of this?

Vasquez: I......I didn't think we could go anywhere, so......I tried to recruit one of the advisors. I guess he spilled the beans on us.

Leader 3: Well, as punishment for nearly costing us our lives, you are hereby condemned to death via firing squad.

(Vasquez is escorted out of the room by two guards; suddenly laser shots and screams emit from across the hall)

Leader 1: This council is dismissed.

(the crowd leaves the room, but Miyuki stays behind to talk to the leaders)

Leader 2: What do you want now, Miyuki?

Miyuki: I was hoping that you would approve my original plan.

Leader 3: And we told you before; your plan is ludicrous, especially now that we're forced to hide from the civilized world.

Miyuki: But we're desperate now; if we don't do anything, we'll fade from everyone's memory and just be a myth.

Leader 1: But we don't have anyone to fight for us.

Miyuki: We won't need anyone to fight for us; we'll build artificial soldiers.

Leader 2: Hmmm....This would help us avoid being caught again.

Leader 3: (sighs) Alright; if it gets you out of our antennae, you may proceed with the plan. However, I don't see how you will get this done.

Miyuki: First, I need to be in the position of Tallest; that way, I can arrange for the rest of the plan to proceed without having to steal the funds for it.

Leader 1: You better be honest with this; I don't want to see the events of Singe happen again.

Miyuki: You have my word.


[Irk; two weeks later]

(Miyuki accompanies the new Tallest Bertram into his private chambers)

Bertram: I thank you for your support; one would've thought Bolt would've done more during his life.

Miyuki: He was old when he was appointed Tallest; it was only a matter of time.

Bertram: (nods) True; he lived a long time.

Miyuki: (forming a sly grin) So, how do you like being the Tallest?

Bertram: (chuckles) Well, I'd say that it feels good to have everyone listening to you.

Miyuki: (still flashing her smile) Must be hard after awhile, isn't it?

Bertram: (wearing a suspicious look) Why do you ask?

Miyuki: (giggles) How about you let me ease your tensions.

Bertram: (gets the picture) So that's your game, eh? Get out before I call security.

Miyuki: Well then, you leave me no choice but to do this. (injects Bertram with a serum that causes the tallest to collapse) Now I need to get rid of you.

Narrator 1: Miyuki took Bertram to her private cruiser and flew him to Bloodwurld, where he was imprisoned in an underground cell and eventually forgotten; before long, the empire learned of Bertram's absence and the Control Brains decided a new Tallest was needed.

Narrator 2: Unsurprisingly, Miyuki was chosen to fill the position, and for the next several years, she instated several changes, such as the use of SIR units for Invaders and the commission of the flagship known as the Massive. However, her greatest project was still to be hatched.

Computer: Section E complete.
Because section d was so short, this part has two sections to it

I might consider writing a more detailed story of Ven's battle against Singe in the future

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